Poodle Clubs
If you would like us to list your own Poodle Club, send us the information
and we will include it in the list below (free of charge).
Pudelklubben Specialklub under DKK (Poodle Club of Denmark)
Eesti Puudlite Tõuühing (Estonia Poodle Club)
Deutscher Pudel-Klub e.V. (German Poodle Club)
United Kingdom
United States
Poodle Club of America
Arizona - Valley of the Sun Poodle Club
California - Mission Trail Poodle Club
California - Poodle Club of Central California
California - Poodle Club of Southern California
California - San Diego Poodle Club
Colorado - Columbine State Poodle Club
Connecticut - Quinnipiac Poodle Club
Florida - Orlando Poodle Club
Florida - Tampa Bay Poodle Club
Hawaii - The Poodle Club of Hawaii
Maryland - Greenspring Poodle Club
Massachusetts - Poodle Club of Massachusetts
Michigan - Mid Michigan Poodle Club
Minnesota - Twin Cities Poodle Club
New Mexico - Enchanted Poodle Club
Nevada - Poodle Club of Las Vegas
New Jersey - Watchung Mountain Poodle Club
North Carolina - Central Carolina Poodle Club
Ohio - Western Reserve Poodle Club
Oklahoma - Poodle Club of Tulsa
Pennsylvania - Apricot Red Poodle Club
Pennsylvania - William Penn Poodle Club
Texas - Lone Star Poodle Club
Texas - Poodle Club of San Antonio